Please print and sign this waiver before receiving lessons.
I hereby apply to learn and/or train under the direction of Nicky Mummery/ Members of the ISRB as directed from time to time. This waiver covers multiple riding or training sessions and has no expiration date.
I understand and acknowledge:
• That all horse sports, leading, lunging, ground work, riding and vaulting are highly dangerous activities and that horses can act in a sudden and unpredictable (changeable) way, especially if frightened or hurt.
• That SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH may result from horse sport activities at a lesson, training session or event and I acknowledge and agree that I participate at my own risk.
• I am not forced to ride, nor am I forced to teach; I chose to do so of my own free will, fully accepting all the risks associated with such a highly dangerous sport
• I agree not to drink alcohol or take drugs prohibited by law, or any prescribed drugs that could in any way inhibit or change my performance before or during any horse or training session
• I agree to follow safety and other guidelines outlined in FEI Rule Books and Pony Club manuals
• I agree to wear an appropriate and correctly fitting riding helmet with a correctly fitting strap at all times while riding and handling horses while under instruction. I understand that wearing an appropriate and correctly fitting riding helmet and body protector may reduce the severity of an injury should an accident occur. I understand that it is my choice whether or not I wear a body protector. I also agree to wear appropriate footwear whilst riding and handling horses while under instruction.
• Abuse & rudeness: Officials, judges and coaches and horses should be treated with respect: rudeness or abuse of any kind to any person, or to any horse, will not be tolerated, and immediate removal will be demanded and no refund given. We reserve the right to report any abuse, ill, sick or injured horses to the appropriate bodies.
• I agree to disclose and be honest about any medical conditions that may affect my ability to ride, any previous riding accidents and my abilities and riding experience.
• I understand that children are at particular risk around horses and agree that I will keep any children that I am responsible for under close supervision when they are not under instruction
• I understand that the instructor may refuse to teach a lesson based on safety or operational reasons. I also understand that I may be requested to dismount during a lesson if the instructor deems the situation unsafe and that the lesson may or may not continue depending on the safety of the situation.
• I understand that horses used in lessons should be sound and healthy and of a fitness level suitable for the lesson. I agree that the instructor may cancel, discontinue or adapt any lesson where she deems it to be in the best interest of the horses being used/ridden.
• Where I am signing on behalf of a minor, I have explained the Code of Conduct/Waiver to my child and we both accept the risk and agree that the instructor will not be liable for injury or damage to property while under instruction.
• I understand that the information that I have given will not be disclose to another party without my permission but may also be made available to Insurers and other parties in the event of injury or incident.
• Tack: Horses should be ridden in equipment which is correctly fitting and that will not cause the horse excess discomfort, pain or injury. A snaffle bridle or bridle which is in line with a specific competitive sport (e.g. double bridle for higher level dressage) should be used. Horses may be ridden in bitless bridles provided that the horse can be kept safely under control by the rider. The instructor reserves the right to request that the rider changes any equipment which she deems unsafe or unsuitable or to cancel or discontinue a lesson should issues arise with the horses equipment.
• Control by the rider. It is the rider's responsibility to ensure that they can maintain control of their horse during the lesson.
Please initial:
______________ I understand that my signature constitutes a complete and unconditional release of all liability of Nicky Mummery, Rider Biomechanics Ireland and The International Society of Rider Biomechanics, their coaches, officials, instructors and volunteers.
______________ I understand that it also constitutes a complete and unconditional release of all liability to venue owners or lessees, lesson organizer, or organizers, or club involved during lessons, training lessons, meetings, education days and competitions to the greatest extent allowed by law in the event of me and or the riders, children or horses under my care, suffering death loss or injury howsoever caused.
______________ I have read, understand and accept the terms & conditions in this waiver and on
www.riderbiomechanicsireland.com (www.riderbiomechanicsireland.eu).
Please sign in front of witness:
SIGNATURE:___________________ Name: ____________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________ Phone: ______________________________
Dated: _______________________________
WITNESS SIGNATURE:___________________ Name: ____________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________ Phone: ______________________________
Dated: _______________________________
www.riderbiomechanicsireland.com Nicky Mummery Drummod, Bodyke, Co. Clare

Nicky Mummery, BSc (Equine), AISRB.
Drummod, Bodyke, Co. Clare
Telephone: 087 6232754
Email : riderbiomechanics@gmail.com

Do you want to improve your confidence, stability, refine your aids and achieve greater harmony with your horse?
I can help improve your balance, seat and posture; develop lighter and easier aids for higher movements.
Build your confidence and find a truly safe position. Suitable for all levels and ages of rider. All sports welcome: pleasure, dressage, jumping, etc...